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Red by Donal Martiny
Matter of Light 14-S4848 (Red Magenta),
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Simply Red

A group show featuring: Chul-Hyun Ahn, Jonathan Leach, Erin Miller, August Muth, Donald Martiny, Ruth Pastine, Ariane Roesch, Mario Reis, Dirk Rathke, Alma Tischler, and Myke Venable


The color red has a multitude of meanings throughtout history. Its associations are heavily engrained in our psyche. The connotations of confidence, power, success, lust, heat, etc., permiate, both subtly and overtly, through our lives. A red banner aggresses, a red rose romances, and a red sportscar suggests a mid-life crisis. 


Gallery Sonja Roesch is pleased to announce the group exhibition ‘Simply Red’, featuring eleven artists. This show explores some of the many shades of red by bringing together a selection of works with different mediums. Mario Reis’s river paintings are made from naturally occuring red river sediments, while Ruth Pastine’s meticulously-made oil painting vibrates with red-analagous colors. Chul-Hyun Ahn uses Neons and mirrors, creating a seemingly endlessly deep box.

Ariane Roesch’s red audio-phone wants you to find your callings. Dirk Rathke’s curved paintings incorporate movement in an objectlike painting. Alma Tischler’s red ball punctuates the wall and the Plexiglas cube from Jonathan Leach sits pristenely on a plinth.  A splash of red from Donald Martiny tantlizes our senses and teases our understanding of a painted surface, while Myke Venable invites you to contemplate a smooth, red surface. Erin Miller’s print recalls memories of love, and an August Muth hologram phases in and out. 


Working in a variety of different mediums, these eleven artists have all created works that use one of the most evocative colors. These pieces express a multitude of different emotions and meanings, all through the use of the color red. Together, they create an environment that provokes a symphony of sensations, memories, and emotions.

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Gallery Sonja Roesch  |  2309 Caroline Street, Houston, TX 77004  |  713.659.5424 | Open Wednesday - Saturday 1 - 5pm

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