The Gallery Sonja Roesch focuses on contemporary reductive and concept-based art by international emerging and established artists. It is also one of Houston's premiere galleries for large and monumental sculpture, working with Mac Whitney, a Texas-based sculptor, and John Clement, a Mark Di Suvero student from New York City. Gallery Sonja Roesch has hosted memorable exhibitions featuring Jac Leirner, David Simpson, and Raimund Girke, as well as shows that include Houston-based artists like Myke Venable and Jonathan Leach.
Gallery Sonja Roesch was originally founded 1991 in Germany. Inspired by gallerists like Denise René, Sonja Roesch established the gallery to spotlight work that embodies a minimalist aesthetic and to create an institution bolstered by strong programming. In 1996, she relocated to Houston, Texas and now she continues to pursue her vision with a program of international artists working with painting, drawing, sculpture, and installation.
Gallery Sonja Roesch is a founding member of the Houston Art Gallery Association, also known as HAGA.
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